Looking for topics for bachelor and master theses or study projects?

Looking for topics for bachelor and master theses or study projects?

You want to combine political engagement and studies? Then write your thesis together with the Solarcamp Freiburg.

We are still looking for people who want to accompany the Solarcamp (21.08.-08.09.2023) scientifically. Climate protection is faltering – there is a lack of hands for the energy turnaround. We want to change that! At the Solarcamp, we train 50 people to become PV assistants and offer them the opportunity to get a taste of the climate trade.

Possible disciplines: sociology, environmental science, politics, education, gender studies, anthropology, environmental governance, psychology, LAS, sustainable systems engineering.
Possible topics: Municipal sustainability management, educational research, FINTA* in (energy sector) crafts, labor market policy, identification with previous job, potential analysis for retraining in renewable energy, working conditions, union organizing
Possible methods: Qualitative or quantitative surveys, participant observation, policy analysis, literature review
Field of research: participants and organizers of the solar camp (pupils, students, political activists, handicraft enterprises, solar companies, trade schools), local politics

Own ideas and suggestions are welcome! If you are interested, please contact us at: