

Solarcamp Freiburg Kickoff 
Friday, 31st March 2023
at 5 p.m.
Room R4,
Historischer Peterhof, Niemensstraße 10, 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau.
With the “Solarcamp Freiburg”, we want to offer a two-week program this summer in which 50 people will learn how to build solar systems and drive the energy transition themselves.
In order for the project to really take off, we need a large, motivated team. On the one hand, we will explain the framework of the project at the kick-off and on the other hand, we will present what needs to be organised and done next.
We are looking for your experiences, opinions and ideas. The model for the Solarcamp Freiburg is the Energy Camp that took place in Braunschweig last year. (, in German).